Buy now

You've felt
it all your life,
the hidden power behind everything,
pulling the strings.


Controlling enterprise and governments.
Now, unveil the secrets of this hidden brotherhood.

Contract address: 0x0B9aE6b1D4f0EEeD904D1CEF68b9bd47499f3fFF
Verus Proxy Token: 0x4f14e88b5037f0ca24348fa707e4a7ee5318d9d5

A mysterious new token has emerged.

IlluminatiCoin's origins are intertwined with ancient symbols and occult knowledge and is said to hold the key to understanding the true nature of wealth.

Owning IlluminatiCoin is more than an investment; it's an invitation to be part of the chosen group of enlightened holders, poised to influence the future of wealth and financial empowerment.

Holders of $NATI embark on a journey of discovery. $NATI is a coin for those who seek knowledge. Launched stealth with no presale, zero taxes, LP burnt and contract renounced. Investors are rewarded with access to exclusive insights, illuminating the path to financial well-being and unraveling the mysteries of wealth.

About Illuminati Coin

The Owl of Minerva and Athena: From Symbol of Power to Beacon of Hope.

The Owl of Minerva and Athena originated in ancient mythology and philosophy, representing wisdom, insight, and guidance. However, over time, this symbol has been co-opted by elitist groups, such as the Bohemian Club, and appears on the dollar bill, signifying power and control.

Nati is working to reclaim the owl's original meaning, reinterpreting its energy for positive purposes. By doing so, Nati aims to restore the symbol's intended significance, shifting it from a representation of elitist power to a beacon of hope and wisdom for all.

Hedwig Illustration

How to buy $NATI Coin?

Get some ETH

Have ETH in your wallet to switch to $NATI.

If you don't have any ETH, you can buy directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Connect to Uniswap. Go to in your web browser, or on the browser inside of the Metamask app.

Connect your wallet. Paste the $NATI token address into Uniswap, select NATI, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Swap ETH for NATI

We have ZERO taxes so you don't need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Use the swap module just below to buy your first $NATI.

Swap NATI onto Verus

Create a Verus wallet

Download the Verus Desktop or Mobile wallet from their official site and import NATI.vETH from Multiverse tab on Desktop or Add Pbaas Currency on Mobile.

You will receive an R-Address, use this in the conversion form below.


Have $NATI & $ETH in your Metamask wallet to switch to $NATI.vETH.

If you don't have any $NATI, you can buy directly on Uniswap, or transfer from another wallet.

NOTE: To interact with the Verus Bridge a flat rate of 0.003ETH is required plus additional gas fees.


Please be advised your $NATI amount will be divided by 10,000 when swaping to fit within the 64bit character limit on Verus.

10,000 $NATI is equal too 1 NATI.vETH.

When swaping out of Verus back to Ethereum Mainnet your NATI.vETH will be multiplied by 10,000 returning your original amount of $NATI.

1 NATI.vETH is equal too 10,000 $NATI.

Swap $NATI for NATI.vETH

Experience trading NATI on the Verus Protocol, FREE from MEV Bots.

Connect your Metamask wallet via Desktop to the swap module just below OR use the direct website to swap your first $NATI into NATI.vETH.

Please allow up to 60 minutes for the Verus Bridge to honor your transaction.


Total supply 33,000,000,000,000

92% of the tokens were sent to the liquidity pool, LP tokens were burnt, and contract renounced.

Enlightenment awaits Roadmap

Here is a rough sketch of $NATI path ahead. Epiphany is upon us. Enlightenment awaits.

Roadmap Illuminati Coin
  1. Phase 1

    Establish Secret Society

    • Mint initial supply of 33 trillion tokens
    • Launch liquidity pool with 92% of the initial supply
    • Formation of secret token gated Discord
  2. Phase 2

    Subvert and Infiltrate

    • Community partnerships
    • Verus Bridge + CurrencyBasket
    • 10,000+ holders
    • Hide secret stashes of coins across the internet
  3. Phase 3

    New Crypto Order

    • IlluminatiCoin merch
    • Verus Memecoin CurrencyBasket
    • 100,000+ holders
    • New Crypto Order